Thank you deeply for supporting our Vision! Mancos Valley Dragonfly School relies on fundraising in addition to tuition to support its everyday operations and special projects. Your gift helps us to minimize tuition increases and help the school thrive. With your generosity, together we can help our school grow and flourish year after year. Below are a few ways to contribute to, support, and sustain our school. Dragonfly is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. All donations are fully tax deductible and eligible for the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit.
or scan this code below with your phone to be taken to our PayPal Giving page!
Or donate via our Business Venmo Account
More info and Ways to support
Dragonfly Brokerage account
We accept stock donations through our 501(c)3 brokerage account. Depending on the donor’s wish—these funds may remain in the brokerage account to grow, or we may have your donation converted to cash and sent to our general operations Bank account. This is a great way to give appreciated stock, to avoid capital gains tax. Please contact Emily about this opportunity at
Colorado Childcare Contribution Tax credit
Colorado has something incredible called the Child Care Contribution Tax Credit. Taxpayers that make a qualifying monetary contribution to promote child care in Colorado may claim an income tax credit of 50% of the total qualifying contribution. The credit a taxpayer can claim for qualifying contributions made during a tax year is limited to $100,000. In-kind contributions of services or property (non-monetary donations) do not qualify for the credit.
So if you donate $1,000, you will get a $500 tax credit back towards your Colorado State income tax return. Amazing. Additionally, if you itemize on your federal returns, you will receive a federal tax deduction for donating to our 501(c)3 non-profit school, making your out of pocket expense even less. This tax credit is a win-win for Dragonfly and for donors.
Amazon Gift Giving
Amazon hosts our Charity "Wish List" (Which is similar to a wedding registry) for items and crafts the school needs. Gift watercolor paints, a new wagon, or little shovels and brooms!
City Market Community Rewards Program
Simply visit:
Once logged into your City Market account search for Mancos Valley Dragonfly Preschool & click Enroll.
New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a loyalty card.
**This WILL NOT affect your savings or points it simply delegates a higher percentage of the rewards program funding to our school!